- “In the coils of the dragon…” pastel painting (private collection)
- “Night practice – leaving the body” pastel painting
- “Angelic connection” – oil painting
- “Meditation on an infinity of worlds” – pastel painting
- “Meditation the crystal stuctures” pastel painting
- “Fiery connection” – pastel painting
- “High connection – laser beam” – pastel painting
- “Dragon/Sword/Holy Grail” pastel painting
- “Regression – vision of the beginning” – oil painting
- “Meditation on the central channel” pastel painting
- “Meditation on the left and right” – pastel painting
- “Meditation on the upper centres” pastel painting
- “Vision of energy bodies” pastel painting
- “Red Fire/White Fire” pastel painting
- “Leaving the body” pastel painting